Sugaring Facts & FAQ’s
Here Are Some Of The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Sugaring:
Please refer to the “First time sugaring” tab under Services>Sugaring
Here are some After Dos & Do Nots:
Exfoliate every other day with a soft bristle brush or hand mitt. Wait 24 hours after your sugaring service as there has already been enough exfoliation with sugaring.
Use Fur or PFB products that treat, prevent, and soothe the skin. Your esthetician can be of assistance when deciding which product would work best with your skin type.
Contact us if you develop an ingrown or any irritation! We can get you scheduled for a Vajacial to help treat your skin. Refer to our menu for more information on the service.
Do Not:
For the next 24 hours after sugaring avoid any activity that causes you to sweat. Such activities may include working out, hot tubs, or intercourse.
Reframe from wearing tight clothing or lace and satin underwear.
If you develop an ingrown do not directly go over it with exfoliation mitt or brush. Avoid picking an ingrown as it will just exacerbate it further.
NO SCRUBS. They can be too abrasive and spread bacteria. Your esthetician can help pick out the appropriate exfoliating treatments.
Yes. But not nearly as much as waxing and it isn’t your skin that’s hurting, it’s ONLY your hair being removed that you feel for a split second. You are removing the hair from the root, which is a good thing! You want a nice, clean result that’s going to last, right? Well, in order to achieve that, we must remove the hair by the root. After the first time it hurts a million times less because it’s like a baby hair again.
At LEAST 1/4″ long or about the length of a grain of rice.
If you just shaved wait about two weeks to schedule an appointment so your esthetician can get as much hair removed.
The optimal amount of time is between 4-6 weeks. You want to remove the hair by the root while the hair is being nourished in order to discourage the hair from growing back!
Yes! We just ask you wear a tampon or menstrual cup for the appointment. If you do not feel comfortable getting sugared while on your period, please give us 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment. You can refer to our policies under About>Policies for more information.
Any part of the body can be sugared!
Your hair has 3 growth cycles. On your very first visit we get the first, second and PART of the third hair growth cycles. Once you return to get sugared 2-3 times we start getting all 3 hair growth cycles out at the SAME TIME! (If you feel any stubble whatsoever after your first appointment, it’s the third cycle barely poking out. Once you come back a couple more times we get them all at the same time.) After your first sugaring, it should last 2-3 weeks. As you continue to get sugared you can go 3-6 weeks! Depends on the person and how fast your hair grows.
We book first timers for 30 minutes to leave time for explanation and tweezing if needed. Brazilian maintenance appointments expect to take 20 minutes.
Yes! The ingredients are all natural.
Some people will still get a histamine reaction like they do with waxing. It usually isn’t a tenth of the reaction you normally would get with wax. Your skin isn’t damaged, it just can swell from the hair being removed from the root. You can take an anti-histamine like Benadryl before your appointment to prevent this.
No. On the contrary, the hair will grow back thinner. Sugar removes the hair from the root, thus discouraging hair growth. Regular usage, particularly during the winter months, will noticeably reduce hair growth and the re-growth takes longer to appear and is considerably thinner.
Actually, Monday is perfect! You don’t want to come in too soon (2 weeks ahead), but you don’t want to come in too close to the event either. Although irritation with sugaring is minimal, if at all, you still want to make sure to give yourself 2-3 days, if you can, before a big event. Don’t worry about coming in up to 7-10 days before your big event either! Sugaring lasts between 3-4 weeks before regrowth is seen!
In this case it is recommended, to massage the area first carefully with a dry loofah to remove the scaly skin, then you can start with the hair removal. Sugaring is safe for the most sensitive skin since it doesn’t remove live skin.
Most definitely, we book a separate service that can also be booked online for pregnant clients. It’s booked with extra time for the room to be set us with a pillow that clients can be propped against during the service.
It is possible to become permanently hairless if you sugar yourself correctly and regularly. If and how long it will take you to stay hairless depends on several factors.
As every human being is an individual, there are individual hair types, so it could be the case that you stay hairless after a few treatments whereas others may need much more. Also, the method you previously used to remove hair has a strong influence. Hair growth intensity is stronger in some areas of the body than in others; in these areas it will naturally take more treatments.
A Bikini is just the sides and the top. A playboy is an exaggerated bikini. It doesn’t include the back. A Brazilian is everything from navel to anus. You can leave a strip or triangle if you want.
Accutane, no! You have to wait until after you are done with your Accutane cycle before you have any kind of professional exfoliation. Retin-A, yes. You just need to wait a few days before you get sugared.

Facts about Sugaring
The earliest references to hair removal came from the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece. Early writings out of Mesopotamia tell of kings who would have the slave girls serving them be expected to remove their body hair. Hair on the body was considered to be unclean by the upper class. Possibly through a fortuitous accident, the method of using sugar for hair removal treatments was developed. Sugar is an all natural form of hair removal. It is far superior over waxing of any kind.

Benefits of Sugar:
100% pure and natural!
It’s never hot so it will never burn the skin, unlike wax.
Does not adhere to live skin cells so it is less painful and less abrasive. It is water soluble and can never pull live skin, unlike resins in wax.
Safe for eczema or psoriasis
Easy clean up, you will never leave sticky. Water soluble! Just wipe with water.
More sanitary, never touches another client. Single glove, no sticks and strips!
Can extract shorter hairs, leading to permanency.
Leads to permanency faster since you can extract the hair in the shorter, active stage of growth before it is nourished